Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Hitch-hiker's Guide to Sales Success cont'd


A “win-win” transaction model exists in Hitch-hiking as in any sustainable sales model. You’ve got to offer genuine value or, sooner or later, you’re going to be in the same column as Bernie Madoff and Raj Rajeratnam.

In every case where someone stopped to offer me a ride they had some expectation of me in return. These expectations ranged from very uncomfortable to very comfortable. One fellow seemed to have some sexual expectations I was unwilling to fulfill so I declined to ride with him. Another couple wanted to minister to my physical needs, and then to my spiritual needs. They were very sweet. One fellow, a salesperson as it happens, wanted me to drive while he slept! Imagine, picking up a stranger and asking them to drive your late model luxury sedan while you take a nap. Now that tells you a little about a salesperson’s bold nature of right there! A boldness similar to that required for putting your thumb out and getting in a car with someone you’ve never met.

In the subsequent posts you’ll look at how the lessons of hitch-hiking prepared me for sales success. Please regard these posts as a means to have greater personal success, to help you bring greater success to your customers and to help you determine whether sales really is the right road for you.

Please don’t share these insights with hitch-hikers – should I ever find myself on the road with my thumb I prefer to be the one to get the ride!

1 comment:

  1. Note; Raj may not have been the best example of "not providing value" in a sustainable way. Ethics and Legality seem to have been his stumbling blocks. seems
